14:00 UTC May Learn and Share: Exploring the Gender Data Gap
Join us for a chance to Learn and Share about the gender data gap. We know that lack of data on gender impacts water challenges in a range of ways. We look forward to you joining us for this session to hear from our speaker and also to share your insights on this topic. Our Learn and Share events are interactive and a great way to share your experiences while meeting other members and learning from our keynote speaker.
This Learn and Share is hosted partnering with Agenda for Change. To make this event global, we will be offering live interpretation in Spanish for this session.
Join us for 14:00 UTC (9:00 Bogota / 10:00 Toronto / 16:00 Stockholm / 17:00 Nairobi)
For this 14:00 UTC session, we are pleased to have Biljana Macura and Carla Liera of Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), as the keynote speakers.
Biljana Macura is a Senior Research Fellow at the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) in the Sanitation and Health Team, Resources, Rights and Development Division. She produces rigorous syntheses of scientific evidence, including systematic reviews and maps, to inform decision-making in environment and development. Biljana is particularly interested in evidence-informed decision-making, knowledge co-production and stakeholder engagement, policy needs assessment and use of different forms of evidence to investigate complex environmental and development problems. Biljana is an environmental social scientist with an interdisciplinary background. She holds a PhD in forest policy from the University of Padova, Italy and Bangor University, United Kingdom, and an MSc in Environmental Studies from ICTA, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain and Hamburg University of Technology, Germany.
Carla Liera is a Research Associate at the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) in the Societal Transition Unit. Her work mainly involves developing qualitative baselines studies and conducting research on the linkages between WASH and watershed management. Carla has several years of diverse work experience in the areas of international cooperation and sustainable development, including project management and field work in Austria, Central African Republic, India, and Mexico. Her main research interest lies in the integration of marginalized and underrepresented groups in water and sanitation decision-making processes through the use of participatory methodologies and analytical tools. Carla holds a B.A. in International Development from the University of Vienna and an MSc in Water, Sanitation and Health Engineering from the University of Leeds.
What time is this event for you? Check out this time zone converter and add your location with 14:00 UTC.
14:00 UTC not a good time?
Join us for 7:00 UTC on Tuesday 16 May (9:00 Brussels / 11:00 Baku / 12:30 Colombo / 15:00 Perth)
For the first session, we are pleased to have Deepa Joshi of IWMI as the keynote speaker and live interpretation in French.
This event is for women in all their diversity working on water issues. You must register for this event to attend. The full session will not be recorded, so please plan to join us live.