Coming in with Confidence: Confidence through Resourcefulness

Coming in with Confidence training series for 2022

The Community of Women in Water is committed to supporting our members in advancing their careers and in solving water challenges. What’s needed to do that? CONFIDENCE! With the Global Water Partnership’s support, we are pleased to offer our first-ever trainings, based on needs articulated by CWiW members. Renowned executive coaches Mac Ling and Esther Goette will lead trainings on connected but different topics around Coming in with Confidence “Confidence through Resourcefulness” and “Confidence in Networking.” Because we recognize CWiW members are busy, each training topic is stand alone although you will benefit the most by engaging with both as they are connected to increasing your confidence. Please note there are limited spots for registering for each session, so please register early to reserve your place AND please let us know soonest if you find you are unable to attend.

Confidence through Resourcefulness

For this 12:00 UTC session, we are pleased to have Mac Ling lead this training. 

This 90-minute session will involve building inner confidence through increasing ways of being resourceful. Mac Ling will take us through a specialized program from the Bridge Partnership. This session will include 90-minutes of pre-work, accessing a Bridge module normally costing USD 250 free to CWiW members registered for this session. The pre-work must be completed in advance of attending this session, but it can be done in small chunks of time and does not require a single session of 90 minutes. It will go through six bite sized modules.

Mac Ling is an executive coach and leadership consultant who partners with senior leaders who want to lead and manage with more authenticity by helping leaders embrace individuality and avoid imitation.  Mac’s zone of genius lies in working with leaders experiencing transition moments and working with them to envision, develop, and adopt the new mindsets that enable them success in their new roles.  Mac is a certified Advanced Master Coach, and an ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC).  

Join us for 12:00 UTC Tuesday 3 May
(8:00 Ottawa / 9:00 Montevideo / 14:00 Tirana / 20:00 Hong Kong)
What time is this event for you? Check out this time zone converter and add your location with 12:00 UTC. 
12:00 UTC not a good time?

Join us for 8:00 UTC on Wednesday 4 May (9:00 Lisbon / 10:00 Gitega / 14:30 Naypyidaw / 16:00 Perth)

This event is for members only, but any women working on water issues can sign up for free membership. Instructions for accessing this event will be shared when you register. Please note that if you are not a CWiW member, we recommend that you register at least a day in advance to ensure you have time to fill out membership details, after which event details will be sent to you.


03 May 2022


12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 03 May 2022
  • Time: 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM



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