16:00 UTC November Learn and Share: Storytelling to Create Connection and Opportunities

Join us for a chance to Learn and Share how storytelling can help us create opportunities and connect with others . Our Learn and Share events are interactive and a great way to share your experiences while meeting other members and learning from our keynote speaker.

Join us for 16:00 UTC (8:00 Portland / 10:00 San Salvador / 11:00 Toronto / 19:00 Nairobi)

For both sessions, we are pleased to have Claire Vintiner, Founder & Director of Fresh Futures, as the keynote speaker. 

Claire Vintiner is a skilled facilitator, coach, systems practitioner and consultant with a background of 16 years working in the water system. She is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and Founder & Director of Fresh Futures through which she works globally with clients including The Rivers Trust, CIWEM and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Claire brings a diverse systems toolkit and a relational perspective to her work with leaders and organisations, most often working with those seeking to have a transformative role in addressing people, planetary or systems challenges.

What time is this event for you? Check out this time zone converter and add your location with 9:00 UTC. 
16:00 UTC not a good time?

Join us for 9:00 UTC on Tuesday 22 November (10:00 Brussels / 11:00 Pretoria / 14:30 New Delhi / 17:00 Perth))

This event is for members only; women working on water issues can sign up for free membership. Instructions for accessing this event will be shared when you register. Please note that if you are not a CWiW member, we recommend that you register at least a day in advance to ensure you have time to fill out membership details, after which event details will be sent to you.


22 Nov 2022


4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 22 Nov 2022
  • Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM



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