Oct Training Facilitators

We want to make sure the Community offers opportunities within events for members’ growth. That means we will be hosting a series of trainings throughout the year for members to become IT Leads and Facilitators for virtual CWiW events. These sessions will give you the background you need to take on leadership roles within CWiW events as well as virtual events with other organizations.

Join us for this Facilitator training on Tuesday, October 8th at 13:00 UTC (8:00 Lima / 9:00 New York / 16:00 Dar es Salaam).

What time is this event for you? Check out this time zone converter and compare your location with 13:00 UTC or check in the side bar menu for when this is in local time for you.

This event is for those who are part of the Community. You are welcome to join the Community if you would describe yourself as a woman working on water issues. You can join by subscribing to our newsletter indicating interest in joining and becoming part of our LinkedIn Group. Learn more on our Get Involved page.

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