Session 4 Navigating Mid-Career Changes

As part of our Water and WASH Career Days, CWiW, Agenda for Change, and RWSN are pleased to offer a virtual session to examine how to navigate mid-career changes in this sector. Come to hear others who have made career transitions within the water and WASH sector. Ask questions, share insights. We look forward to having you as part of this interactive hour-long session!

Please note interpretation in French and Spanish will be available for this session.

Veuillez noter qu’une interprétation en français sera disponible pour cette session.

Esta sesión contará con interpretación al español.

What time is this event for you? Check the menu here above registration for when this event is in your local time.

15:00 UTC not a good time? Join us for 10:00 UTC on Tuesday May 7th for the first day of our Water and WASH Career Days for 2024

This is Session 4 in our Water and WASH Career Days. Be sure to check out other sessions here.

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