7:00 UTC April Learn and Share: Blending physical and social sciences for the best water results

Join us for a chance to Learn and Share about bringing all types of science together to achieve the best water results. Too often those working in engineering, hydrology, geology, and the social sciences have not collaborated in a way that gives equal merit to all types of science but a lack of true ‘trans-disciplinary’ work negatively impacts attempts to get the best water results. Come and listen to an expert and share your thoughts with CWiW members around the world! Our Learn and Share events are interactive and a great way to share your experiences while meeting other members and learning from our keynote speaker.

Join us for 7:00 UTC (9:00 Lyon / 11:00 Muscat / 15:00 Perth / 19:00 Majuro)

For this 7:00 UTC session, we are pleased to have Dr. Gemma Carr, Technische Universität Wien, as the keynote speaker. 

Dr. Gemma Carr coordinates the Water Risk and Security Research Cluster at Technical University Vienna (Technische Universität Wien). Her research has covered a variety of aspects of water management including water reuse, water quality, flood risk, stakeholder participation, interdisciplinary research and education, and socio-hydrology (the interactions and feedbacks between water and people). She is particularly interested in the potential of socio-hydrological modelling for integrating the natural and social sciences and exploring the coupled dynamics between humans and water.

What time is this event for you? Check out this time zone converter and add your location with 7:00 UTC. 
7:00 UTC not a good time?

Join us for 14:00 UTC on Thursday 7 April (9:00 Lima / 10:00 Charleston, SC / 14:00 Dakar / 16:00 Rome / 17:00 Amman)

For this second session, we are pleased to have Prof. Lyla Mehta as the keynote speaker.

This event is for members only, but any women working on water issues can sign up for free membership. Instructions for accessing this event will be shared when you register. Please note that if you are not a CWiW member, we recommend that you register at least a day in advance to ensure you have time to fill out membership details, after which event details will be sent to you.

Thanks to the Global Water Partnership for working with us on this event.


07 Apr 2022


7:00 AM - 8:00 AM

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 07 Apr 2022
  • Time: 3:00 AM - 4:00 AM



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